
Saturday, October 10, 2015

International Conference on the Historiography of English Education in India

University of Hyderabad
Centre for English Language Studies

International Conference on the Historiography of English Education in India

9-10 February 2016

Coordinator: PingaliSailaja

This conference aims to bring together scholars who are working in the area of the historiography of English language education in India. Although the primary focus will be on English in India, papers on other related aspects are also welcome as indicated below.

The history of English in India begins as early as the 17th Century almost immediately after the first British traders came to the country. English was used by interpreters initially and then gradually spread to others. Formal English education began in early 18th Century. The language spread in India through educational policy and missionary activity. Importantly, the British were not the only Europeans in India who encouraged and imparted education. There were other, earlier European endeavours, particularly by the Portuguese. The British continued the process and their efforts were modelled on and departed from previous efforts.

Several complex and contradictory factors impacted the establishment and spread of English education in India—historical, political, social, religious, literary, educational and so on. In different ways, these factors continue to impact English education into present times. There are several attempts to trace the events and record the spread of English in India, yet the works are uncoordinated and tend to have narrow foci. There is much that still needs to be researched and brought to light. There is a need to consolidate the different findings and approaches to the field. In this conference, scholars will share their findings and research work in progress. Papers that have a narrow focus, such as a small region or a relevant work, are welcome along with ones that have a broad sweep for presentation at the conference. Since India in earlier times encompassed present-day Pakistan and Bangladesh, papers with regional focus on those countries (until 1947) are also welcome. Two other areas that the conference is interested in are: the influence of or divergences from other European education systems in India (for example, Portuguese and French), and methodological issues in conducting research in historiography work of this kind.

 The areas in which presentations are invited are:

·        History of ELT in India
·        Representation of the historicity of English education in different types of texts
·        Historiography of English language teaching and testing approaches
·        Methodological aspects of historiographic research
·        Other European languages in India and their educational policies and practices
·        Any other area related to the overall theme of the conference.

Abstracts of 250 words are invited on the above theme. They will be blind reviewed.

Last date to receive abstracts: 31 October 2015

Notification of acceptance: 30 November 2015

Abstracts to be sent to <>

 If you have any questions, please contact <>

Centre for English Language Studies
School of Humanities
University of Hyderabad
Dr. C. R. Rao Road
Hyderabad 500 046.
Phone: 91-40-23133419

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