
Sunday, October 11, 2015

International Conference English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power 2016

International Conference
English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power
Amity School of Languages,
Amity University Lucknow Campus India

Amity School of Languages welcomes delegates, scholars and students to its third International Conference on the 
18th & 19th February, 2016

Title: English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power

Amity School of Languages
 Amity University, Lucknow Campus 
3 rd International Conference 
English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power 
18 - 19 February, 2016
 Amity University, 
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus
Concept Note
‘English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power’ 
The evolving paradigms in the discourse of the invariably encompassing character and the negotiable tendencies inherent in the English language call for a grave and a profound deliberation on its social and economic position vis-a-vis native languages in multilingual countries. It is in these countries that English has emerged not only as a tassel to knit together multi lingual identities into a uniform whole but also as a catalyst influencing Employability and Job-worthiness in people. The International Conference on „English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power shall be an endeavor to accommodate academic proclivities to achieve excellence in research and pedagogical exploration in terms of re-inventing, re-appraising, re-assuring and re-constructing English texts (ancient, modern , and contemporary) in conformity with and towards the postulations of various critical theories in language and literary studies to highlight in the broader analysis the presentness and relevance of English in the world today. 

The ascendance and proliferation of language across the socio-cultural backdrops and ethnicities that began in the late 15th century with the influence of the British empire having established itself as economically the most privileged factor determining and defining the lives of its subjects, Modern English spread with immense rapidity around the world from the 17th to mid-20th centuries by divers media such as newspapers, books, the telegraph, the telephone, phonograph records, radio, satellite television, and most recently the Internet. English has since become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in professional contexts such as science, advertising, management and international-law. The numbers of English speakers far outnumber those of other languages: a staggering 600 to 700 million people speak it as a foreign language besides 360 to 400 million native speakers.

In an attempt to define the present disciplinary areas of English Studies and to define their scope in terms of Literature, Language and Communication, it is of consequence that content and style are characterized by a significant merger of what G.N Devy calls the „marga‟, or national-cultural features and the strain of existentialism which is characteristic of international writing. 

The changing contours of the discourse on the position and the incomparable ascendency of the English language and its deep roots that have both infiltrated and enriched the grounds of other tongues, cultures and idioms have shifted the thrust of the discourse itself from the study of the grand, old British canon to that of the divers varieties of „World Englishes‟, which denote the emergence of localized or indigenous varieties of English that have developed and continue to evolve, taking jargons and words of the native language and adopting local flavors. What is most relevant in this study is that English transgresses political frontiers, extends beyond the horizons of limitations and has unanimously been accepted as „the‟ language of placement and power. 

Like all other languages English too provides its users a medium for easy communication of ideas. The English language, one of the great legacies of the British Raj, continues to be an integral part of the Indian academic curriculum, connecting it to the world at large. A force of cohesion in higher education, media, administration, the corporate world, government organizations, public/private ventures, English has paved the way for cross-national employability in Indian students in the globalised world. The meticulous inculcation of English language skills in pupils from early childhood has facilitated Indians into a greater presence internationally. 

The inferior and underdeveloped skills in English serve as a severe handicap for job-seekers in the play of challenge for rewards of placement, with onlookers and trend setters looking at low skills in English as the reasons for the job-seekers‟ inability to negotiate with the unforeseen and unpredictable demands of a globalised world. Technically qualified professionals with underdeveloped skills in English, therefore, lack employment opportunities. 

Hiring companies reject them as „half baked‟, pointing out that they are unable to meet the job requirements. Scholars the world over have debated on methodologies of English language teaching, earnestly reinventing them from rote-centric to play way methods to ICT to storytelling to all possible imaginative creativities. 

The Janus approach in ELT has found admirers who argue cogently that teaching of language through literature evolves skills in critical thinking, bringing home life/survival/soft skill, catharsis, moral/social lessons and a criticism of life at large. Coming to works of literature, Maxim Gorky‟s unambiguous statement clinches the debate regarding the relevance of literature and literary presentations in language teaching: “Each book was a rung in my ascent from the brutish to the human, towards an understanding of a better life and a thirst after that life”. 

An in-depth mastery of language through the study of literature along with perfected skills in communication leads to higher emoluments in powerful positions. The raison d'ĂȘtre for this International Conference on „„English Studies: The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power‟, is to delve into the ground breaking research on the ever expanding horizon of English Teaching and map the paradigmatic shifts. 

Such efforts will further enable us to ideate on academic research in the methodologies scholars propose towards more efficacious methods of creating linguistic abilities (to both the native and the foreign learners of the English language) but may also transform themselves into sustainable day to day classroom practices facilitating the Teacher trainer to revisit and rejuvenate pedagogy, whereby they may produce more thorough, confident and informed ESL learners; oil the teacher taught machinery to address and redress the known and the hitherto unforeseen challenges. 

When money and power seize to be the only sustaining factors in one‟s life, the ultimate goal of self-realization transcends this placement-power nexus. From amidst these materialistic pursuits comes the epiphanic journey of self-actualization: 

I celebrate myself, and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you -Walt Whitman 

The Conference would invite Scholarly papers and deliberations on the following areas: 
1. Literature of Power: Theory in Practices 
2. New Literatures in English: The Emerging Trends. 
3. English Studies and Beyond (Theatre, Media, Film Studies, Social Sciences, etc.) 
4. Great Writers 
5. Translation Studies 
6. Cultural studies 
7. English as a Language of Power: From “ English” to “World englishes” 
8. Classroom Conduct of English for Especial Purposes 
9. Leadership Traits embedded in Communication 
10. Soft Skills to Scale Professional Heights 

Highlights of the Conference: 

Plenary Sessions by experts from Japan, USA, UK and India Paper Reading, Presentation, Poster Presentation Workshop Cultural Evening 

Who Should Participate? 
Teachers, Researchers, Creative writers, Professionals and PG, UG Students. 

Call for Papers: Inviting abstracts for Paper presentations/ and proposals for Oral presentations dealing with the themes of the Conference. Complete Registration Forms, with Abstracts and Full Papers, adhering to the important dates mentioned below, should be emailed to and CC to 

Note: Selected papers will be published in the Conference proceedings with ISBN No. Instruction for the Presenters: 

Abstract length should not exceed 500 words. Full Paper length should not exceed 2000 words. Both, the Abstract and the Full Paper are to be preceded by a 50 words note of the author. 

Full Papers must adhere to the MLA style for Documentation. 

Duration of the Programme: Two-days Dates: Thursday & Friday, 18-19th February, 2016 Time: 09.00 AM onwards Venue: Auditorium Block, Amity University, Lucknow Campus Abstract and Paper Formatting Details: Font Style - Times New Roman Font Size - Text 12 point, Title 14 point, Sub-headings 14 point and Author Note 10 point Alignment - Title and Author Note should be Center Aligned, Subheadings should be Left Aligned and Complete Text should be justified. 

Deadlines to Remember: Submission of Abstract with completed Registration Form: November 30, 2015 Acceptance of Abstract: December 05, 2015 

Submission of Full Paper: December 30, 2015 

On Spot Registration: February 18, 2016 (09AM-11AM) 

Registration Fee: A) Early Bird Registration (Before November 30, 2015)
 Indian Delegates: 1000/- (INR) Foreign Delegates: $ 70 (USD) 
Research Scholars: 800/- (INR) PG & UG students: 300/- 
B) On Time Registration (From November 30, 2015 to February 17, 2016) Indian Delegates: 1500/- (INR) Foreign Delegates: $ 80 (USD) Research Scholars: 1000/- (INR) PG & UG students: 400/- 
C) On Spot Registration (February 18, 2016) Indian Delegates: 2000/- (INR) Research Scholars: 1200/- (INR) Foreign Delegates: $ 100 (USD) PG & UG students: 500/- 

Mode of Payment: Registration fee is to be made by Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of “Amity University Uttar Pradesh” payable at Lucknow. OR Delegates can directly deposit payment in under mentioned: 

Bank Name: Axis Bank Limited 
Address: Lucknow Branch, 25B, Ashok Marg, Sikander Bagh Chauraha, Lucknow-226001 
Account No.: 053010100284066 
Type of Account: Saving Account 
IFS Code: UTIB0000053 
MICR Code: 226211002 

Note: In case of joint authorship, the second author must also register for participation in the conference Registration Fee includes two complimentary lunches (February 18 & 19, 2016), two refreshments (February 18 & 19, 2016) 

All registered participants will get a conference kit, a certificate of participation/presentation and conference souvenir 

Travel and Accommodation 

How to Reach 
By Air The Amausi Airport at Lucknow is well connected with all metropolitan cities. Prepaid taxies are available at the Airport. 

By Train Lucknow is a major junction of the Northern Indian Railway and is wellconnected with all major cities in the country. 

By Road Lucknow is intersected by various National Highways. Bus services are readily available from all major cities to Lucknow. 

Accommodation We extend assistance in arranging accommodation at the University campus/hostels. Limited accommodation on a sharing basis may be arranged. Guest Houses and Hotels are located within a radius of five kilometers of the campus. It can be booked on payment; on prior request not later than February 10, 2016. 

Conference Committee Patron 

Mr. Aseem K. Chauhan 
Maj. Gen. K. K. Ohri, 
AVSM Convener 
Prof. Dr. Kum Kum Ray 
Professor & Director (Email: 
Prof (Dr.) Satyarth Prakash Tripathi ( 
Secretary Finance: 
Dr. Satendra Kumar Mishra ( 
Office bearers Publications: Dr. Manjari Johri ( 
Office bearers Logistics: Dr Geetanjali Joshi Mishra ( 
Office bearers Communication: 
Dr. Manish Kumar Gaurav Contact No: +91-8874966396 E-mail: 
International Conference English Studies: 
The Evolving Paradigms of Employability and Power 18 – 19th February, 2016 

Amity School of Languages, Amity University, Lucknow Campus 

Registration Form Name.................................................................................................................. Designation........................................................................................................ 
Category: Student Research Scholar Industry Delegate University/Institute Delegate Organization....................................................................................................... MailingAddress................................................................................................... 
Telephone .............................. Fax ....................................................... 
Email ............................................................................... Mobile .................................................. 
Title of Paper: .......................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. Author(s)............................................................................................................ PresentingAuthor................................................................................................ AccompanyingPerson(s)...................................................................................... 
Arrival Date ......................................... Arrival Time......................... 
Departure Date ..................................... Departure Time...................... 
Accommodation Required (No. of Days and Nights) ............................................................................ Registration Fee Details DD No. and Date .......................................................................................................................... 
Online Payment Receipt No. and Date................................................................................................ Amount(Rs)........................................................................................................ Bank..................................................................................................................

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