
Monday, April 28, 2014

Conference: ‘Twelfth International Conference on Books

Conference: ‘Twelfth International Conference on Books, Publishing, and Libraries’, USA, November 2014

Simmons College Boston, USA is hosting the ‘Twelfth International Conference on Books, Publishing, and Libraries’ on November 8-9, 2014.

Call For Papers

The International Advisory Board is pleased to announce the Call For Papers for the Twelfth International Conference on Books, Publishing and Libraries. The Books, Publishing and Libraries Conference will be held 8-9 November 2014 at the prestigious Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


“Disruptive Technologies and the Evolution of Book Publishing and Library Development”
Change for the better, or change for the worse? New technology in publishing and library science disrupts established literary, academic and business models. How can we assess the impact of a constantly flowing river of change? Will the books or libraries of tomorrow look anything like those of yesterday or today? Are the e-book, the blog post, the app and the tweet just the beginning of a deeper revolution? Will algorithms “think” just like humans in the future when we research a topic or store our narratives and information? Is respect and preference for print and physical libraries the new Luddite view, or is it still a sensible, viable posture in the volatile realm of today’s and tomorrow’s writing, reading, publishing and library science?
The 2014 meeting will feature a special focus on this provocative subject. We welcome open debate, discourse and research from participants that center on this special topic, as well as any other themes or issues relevant to books, publishing, and libraries.

Conference Themes:

We are inviting proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia  addressing books and publishing through one of the following themes:
Publishing Practices: Past, Present, and FutureBooks and LibrariesReading, Writing, Literacy, and Learning
Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be considered. For more information about the ideas and themes underlying this community, see Our Focus.
We also offer participation options for those individuals who cannot attend the conference. Authors who wish to submit an article for potential publication in the Book Journal may submit a Proposal for Article Submission, while all members of the knowledge community with an accepted proposal may submit an online presentation to the knowledge community YouTube channel.

Submit a Conference Proposal

To learn more about preparing and submitting your conference proposal, including guidelines, deadlines, and “how-to” information, go to Submitting Your Work: Conference Presentations.

Conference Details

To learn more about the conference, including speakers, session formats, venue, registration, and the like, stay in The Conferencesection of the website and use the navigation bar on the left to access desired information.

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