
Thursday, March 17, 2016

National Conference on English Language, Literature and Critical Theory: A Global Perspective 2016

National Conference
English Language, Literature and Critical Theory:
A Global Perspective
18 March, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

International Conference on Developing thinking and Learning with ICT: Changing Education for Future Needs May 2016

International Conference on
Developing thinking and Learning with ICT:
Changing Education for Future Needs
29 & 30 May 2016
Osmania University

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

BVRIT Hyderabad National Seminar on Language, Literature, Linguistics - Latest Learning Trends and Technologies in English

BVRIT Hyderabad
College of Engineering for Women
A Two Day National Seminar
Language, Literature, Linguistics - Latest Learning Trends and Technologies in English

Monday, March 7, 2016

International Language Assessment Conference in Egypt

International Language Assessment Conference in Egypt (ILACE) 2016
September 5-6, 2016
The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Theme: Learning from Assessment
Following on the success of ILACE’s inaugural 2015 conference, the American University in Cairo and the British Council are pleased to announce the second International Language Assessment Conference in Egypt (ILACE 2016), taking place on September 5 and 6, 2016.
The theme of the ILACE conference this year focuses on how to learn from assessment. Educators have long been accustomed to the use of assessments in measuring what students have learned or achieved. However, as Boud (2006) states, “Assessment has been seen almost exclusively as an act of measurement that occurs after learning has been completed, not as a fundamental part of teaching and learning itself” (p. xviii). In recent decades, the use of assessments for formative purposes has become increasingly common at all levels of e ducation in order to support or even improve student learning; also increasingly common is the use of assessments to inform teaching. But are there other ways in which we can learn from assessment? Are there other skills or knowledge that students might acquire besides those a test or task is meant to assess? Are students and teachers the only stakeholders who might learn from assessment or might there be ways for program administrators or institutions to also capitalize on results from student assessment? Are the methods we currently use maximizing the learning potential of assessment? This year’s ILACE conference hopes to explore these questions.
The conference organizers are particularly interested in proposals related to learning-oriented assessment; self- and peer-assessment; test and assessment task design and use; assessment literacy; the interplay of assessment of learning, assessment for learning and assessment as learning; classroom-based assessment; and collaborative assessment.
The conference organizers invite proposal submissions from all educators who are interested in language assessment. Submissions related to assessing other subjects in English are also welcome, as are proposals for sessions to be delivered in Arabic.
The conference will feature sessions from two distinguished keynote speakers: Dr. Eleanore Hargreaves from University of London and Dr. Jamie Dunlea from the British Council. There will also be workshops and presentations with pedagogical implications. The event is open to all language professionals who have an interest in language testing and assessment.
The deadline for receipt of proposals is May 1, 2016.
Below are descriptions of the different presentation types.
Presentation (45 minutes)
A presentation is a 30-35 minute talk covering the presenter’s research or demonstrating a new idea, followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion with the audience.
Workshop (45 or 90 minutes)
A workshop is an interactive session in which the facilitator guides the audience through the steps of implementing a new idea or technique. A workshop may include some formal presentation in which the facilitator explains the background and basics of the idea or technique. However, most of the session is dedicated to giving the audience hands-on practice with the new idea or technique, followed by time for discussion and questions.
Poster Session (1 hour)
A poster session is an informal presentation in which the presenter uses a paper poster to illustrate new ideas or research. The poster is mounted on a board that includes a title, the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s), and brief pieces of text with clearly labeled photos, drawings, graphs, or charts. The poster is accompanied by a 10 minute oral explanation and followed by a brief period for questions. Several poster presentations happen simultaneously in the same room, with small audiences gathering around each poster to hear one presentation at a time. No AV equipment or electrical access is available. Detailed guidelines will be sent to accepted poster session presenters.
Work in Progress (1 hour)
The work in progress (WIP) session provides an opportunity for researchers who are at an early stage of their research projects to discuss future directions related to these projects with language assessment experts attending the conference. You do not have to report any research results to be able to submit a proposal to a work in progress session. All you need is a research idea and a list of research questions. The topic has of course to be assessment-related. All presenters will be in one room and conference participants will go around to ask questions to each presenter and also to give suggestions for needed action.  Detailed guidelines will be sent to accepted WIP presenters. 
Presenters whose proposals have been accepted will be notified by June 30. 
For more information, including submission guidelines, please visit the conference website at:

We  will be adding more information in the coming few months; in the meantime, any questions should be directed

We look forward to welcoming you to Cairo!
Kind regards,

The ILACE 2016 Organizing Committee