It provides materials for preparing NET/SET/SLET and also presents conference all around the globe.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Two Day National Seminar on Literature of the Marginalised: Voices of the Subaltern in Indian Literature Feb 2015
Two Day National Seminar on
Literature of the Marginalised: Voices of the Subaltern in Indian Literature
Organized by
Centre for Comparative Literature
Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit
Kalady, Kerala
Literature of the marginalized is a major area of the contemporary post colonial and post modern studies which is very relevant to the study of Comparative Literature. India is a nation where many cultures, languages and religions co exist. This has contributed to the cultural diversity and lives of our people. However, the voices of the deprived and marginalized have been pushed to the peripheries because of social and political reasons. The literature and arts of the suppressed and exploited sections of the society come into the forefront, giving new dimensions to the study of culture.
Centre for Comparative literature, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady is organizing a two day National Seminar on the topic "Literature of the Marginalised: Voices of the Subaltern in Indian Literature" on 10th and 11th February 2015. The proposed seminar will examine the various aspects of the subject. Meena Kandaswamy, renowned Tamil writer, activist, translator and artist has kindly agreed to inaugurate the Seminar. Eminent scholars and writers will be participating in the Seminar.
Contributory papers are invited on the following sessions:
1. Dalit Literature: Works, Criticism and Theory
2. Folk and Minority Literature
3. Forms of Resistance in contemporary Indian Literature
Those who are interested to present their papers should send the abstract of the paper, not exceeding 200 words on or before 2nd February 2015. The title of the paper and author's full address may be given with email address. Acceptance of the paper will be communicated within two days after scrutiny. The full text of the paper to be presented along with a soft copy of the same should be submitted at the time of presentation.
The abstract of the paper may be sent to the coordinator, Centre for Comparative Literature, SSUS Kalady to the following email address, .
Staff & students
Kalady Centre for Comparative Literature
Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit,
English Literature National Conference
Monday, January 26, 2015
O.P. Jindal Global University
(English Language Centre and Jindal School of Liberal Arts & Humanities)
in association with the
Indian Society for Commonwealth Studies
invites you to
the Silver Jubilee
International Conference on Postcolonial Literature
28-30 January 2015
Venue: O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat (NCR of Delhi)
Postcolonial literature (variously termed as Commonwealth Literature or New Literatures in English) started with the examination of literature produced under the influence of colonizers during the colonial rule, but has expanded into a multi-disciplinary engagement covering even the literatures produced in settler colonies of yore. The colonized-colonizer paradigm has been transferred to the ruling structures within the freed countries to address the plight of the subaltern. The ideology of postcolonialism has impacted other ideologies like Marxism, Feminism and Nationalism besides re-writing concepts like diaspora, subjectivity, etc. There is the emerging perception that the colonized phase needs to be viewed as a negotiation which developed hybrid positions on both sides like any other normal historical phenomenon. We have reached a stage where there is talk of post-postcolonial phase. Now is the appropriate time to debate all these developments and variations and assess the fine nuances of theory vis-à-vis politics involved.
Aim and Objectives
The aim of this International Conference is to encourage academics, scholars and practitioners representing an exciting diversity of countries, cultures and languages to meet and exchange views in a forum encouraging respectful dialogue.
The deliberations of the conference will be useful for sharpening the research tools and strategies by the teachers and research scholars. The conference will discuss Postcolonialism and its various manifestations, limits and future prospects. It is hoped that the conference will enlighten the delegates and scholars about the nature of the new literatures, the ideological and cultural deep structures lying behind them, and the way the practice of the writers gives new orientation to established beliefs and systems and projects new visions.
Call for Papers
Well-researched papers on the following sub-themes or others related to the main theme are invited:
- Engagement with colonial history
- Hybridity, ambivalence, contingency in Postcolonial literature
- Gender and empire
- Postcolonial feminism
- Postcolonial eco-criticism
- Nation as an imaginary entity
- Globalized, postmodern electronic culture
- Diaspora literature
- Postcolonialism and Marxism
- Minority literature
- Subaltern Studies
- Comparative literature
- Magic realism as indicative of Postcolonial concerns
- Validity of the post-Postcolonial
- Special sessions on Canadian, African and Australian literatures
Conference Highlights
- Renowned Keynote Speakers and Resource Persons
- Plenary Lectures
- Panel Discussions
- Release of the Journal
- Readings by Creative Writers
- Book Releases/Book-Exhibition
- Cultural Evening
Selected Papers presented at the Conference will be brought out as a volume of essays—an ISBN publication—or as a special issue of the bi-annual journal The Commonwealth Review.
What to Send:
An abstract of 250-300 words should be submitted along with the information in this order: a) author b) affiliation c) email address d) title of the abstract, and e) the abstract. Send the abstract
Acceptance will be sent by the Convener, Academic Committee, within a week from the receipt of the abstract. Submission of registration fee and travel bookings may follow.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: 20 December 2014
Registration Fee: 10 January 2015
The City of Sonipat (also spelt as Sonepat)
Sonipat is an industrial town which has been declared as the future mega city and is on the fringe of the national capital Dellhi. Sonipat has historical and mythical linkages. It is one of the five prasthas or habitations demanded by the Pandavas, whose refusal led to the battle of Kurukshetra. Sonipat is also the hub of education in Haryana and boasts of five universities, two of which are run by the government and include a women-only university also.
The O.P. Jindal Global University is around 20 kilometres from the Delhi border. Established in 2009, it has all the makings of a world-class university with beautiful infrastructure. It has a teacher-student ratio of 1:15 and twenty per cent of faculty members come from other countries. Details can be viewed on the website
Sonipat is moderately cold during the month of January. The temperature is expected to range from 20 to 25 degree Centigrade during the conference days. Participants need not bring bedding which will be available in the university guesthouse and hostel where they will be put up.
Registration Fee (including ISCS membership fee)
Indian delegates: Rs 3000
Foreign delegates: $ 300
Registration includes ISCS membership fee, conveyance from Delhi to the venue and return, Conference kit, decent accommodation and hospitality. Those who wish to stay in Delhi for a couple of days after the conference to participate in a literature seminar in Delhi, accommodation and hospitality will be extended to them.
Kindly note that we are not in a position to assist with the conference travel or subsistence. Participants are requested to approach their institutions for travel grant and conference fee.
Accommodation will be provided in the Guest House of the university.
Travel Arrangements
On 27th Jan, a bus each will start at 3 pm and 5 pm. and again on 28th morning at 8.30 am for Jindal University from the university’s Delhi guest house, located at G 5, Anand Niketan, Near South Campus, New Delhi.
Those reaching Sonipat by state transport or private bus should get down at Rai, 20th Milestone (from Delhi) at G.T. Road. Those reaching Delhi must take bus from ISBT, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi. Three wheelers are freely available at that point to cover the distance of three kilometres to the Jindal Global University.
Enquiries may be addressed to:
Secretary, ISCS:
Conference Co-ordinator: Dr. R.K. Dhawan
Conference Convener: JGU: Professor Jagdish Batra
General Secretary, ISCS: Dr. Suman Bala
FEBRUARY 12 – 14, 2015
Organized by
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Birla Institute of Technology and Science,
K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India
In Association with
Important Dates and Deadlines for the Conference
Abstract: Sep 30, 2014
Confirmation and Acceptance of Abstracts: Oct 15, 2014
Receipt of Complete Papers: Nov 15, 2014
Registration: Nov 1- Nov 30, 2014
For conference Brochure IACLALS 2015 Brochure
For more information visit website
Two Days Interdisciplinary International Conference on New Trends in Humanities, Gender and Cultural Studies March 2015
Two Days
Interdisciplinary International Conference
“New Trends in
Humanities, Gender and Cultural Studies”
Organized by
Department of English,
SNDT College of Arts and SCB
College of Commerce and Science for Women,
Mumbai- 400020
in collaboration with
M.G.E. & W. Society’s
Centre for Humanities & Cultural Studies,
Kalyan (W)
Date:4th & 5
th March 2015
Venue: Patkar Hall, SNDT University Mumbai.
Two Days
Interdisciplinary International Conference
“New Trends in
Humanities, Gender and Cultural Studies”
Organized by
Department of English,
SNDT College of Arts and SCB
College of Commerce and Science for Women,
Mumbai- 400020
in collaboration with
M.G.E. & W. Society’s
Centre for Humanities & Cultural Studies,
Kalyan (W)
Date:4th & 5
th March 2015
Venue: Patkar Hall, SNDT University Mumbai.
For more information click here
For complete details visit website
Transcending Boundaries in Language Learning: Language Arts and ELT Across the Curriculum 16 – 18 March 2015
Language learning thrives in a content-rich environment. Language Arts teaching constitutes an important area in teacher education. A target language becomes more meaningfully integrated when it is learned through content and when there is a balanced emphasis on literacy and oracy. Increasingly, education systems in Asia and beyond are bringing about sustainable learning outcomes by adopting more innovative approaches to language teaching and learning as they undertake systemic reforms in language teaching practice and policy.
The current trend in English Language Teaching (ELT) and Language Arts leans towards better integration of the language skills and content used in teaching and learning. These two major strands, Language Arts and ELT across the curriculum, enrich and enhance the pedagogies in the language classroom and transcend boundaries in language learning. Language teaching invariably includes the six macro skills of the Language Arts, namely, reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and visually representing (visual literacy) which permeate the curriculum.
This Conference marks a significant milestone for RELC as a Centre of Choice for the region. It will be hosting its 50th Conference in 2015, and the Conference will bring language professionals who have come from many different countries the world over to share their findings, ideas and insights into Language Arts and ELT across the curriculum.
Paper/Workshop Proposals
Parallel Papers
These are formal lecture presentations lasting thirty minutes plus ten minutes question time.
In these 1-hour sessions, there is little lecturing by the workshop presenters. Instead, the participants are engaged in activities that have been carefully structured by the workshop presenters.
Procedure for Submission of Paper/Workshop Proposals
- A 150-200 word abstract with a title not exceeding 12 words and a 50 word biodata should be sent no later than 15 October 2014. Abstracts outside the word limit will not be accepted.
- The Conference Planning Committee will inform proposers by 15 November 2014 whether their proposals have been accepted. Presenters are required to confirm participation with payment of registration fees by 15 January 2015 and to register for the conference.
- Deadline for submission of Proposals is extended to 25 October 2014.
Criteria for Acceptance
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Conference Planning Committee. Relevance to the theme of the Conference and freshness and originality of approach are among the major considerations in the acceptance of papers. The Committee reserves the right to decline paper/workshop proposals without providing reasons.
Submission of Proposals for Parallel Papers/Workshops
The portal for the submission of Proposals for Paper/Workshops, is available NOW at:
Conference Venue
SEAMEO Regional Language Centre
30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 258352
Conference Registration Fee
The conference registration fee is payable by all participants and parallel paper and workshop presenters. Registration will be confirmed only upon receipt of the Conference Registration fee which is non-refundable.
- Special 50th Anniversary Early Bird Fee: Up to 15 January 2015: S$395.00
- Fees from 16 January 2015: S$415.00
- Fees from 16 February 2015: S$450.00
The conference registration fee includes Goods and Services Tax, coffee breaks and lunches.
Registration will close when capacity is reached.
Registration as Participants
The portal for registration as participants will be available from 1 September 2014 at our website:
Draft Conference Programme
The draft conference programme will be available at the RELC website in February 2015.
Participants are advised to book hotel accommodation at or early as rooms are limited.
UGC Sponsored A Two Day National Seminar on English Language and Globalization Feb 2015
UGC Sponsored
A Two Day National Seminar on English Language and Globalization
13 & 14 February 2015
KVN Naik Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Arts, Commerce and Science College
Canada Corner, Nasik, Maharashtra - 422002
UGC Sponsored
A Two Day National Seminar on English Language and Globalization
13 & 14 February 2015
KVN Naik Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha's Arts, Commerce and Science College
Canada Corner, Nasik, Maharashtra - 422002
National Seminar on Higher Education in India: Issues, Challenges & Emerging Trends Feb 2015
National Seminar on
Higher Education in India:
Issues, Challenges & Emerging Trends
February, 20 - 21, 2015
CSJM University, Kanpur-208024
One Day National level Seminar on Methods and Materials for Teaching English Language and Literature Feb 2015
One Day National level Seminar on
Methods and Materials for Teaching English Language and Literature
12 February 2015
Hindu College, Pattabiram, Chennai 600072
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Institute of Professional Studies (Dept. of Education) Gwalior, M.P.
National Conference on
February 23-25, 2015
Sub Themes of the Conference:
The theme of the Conference will cover the concern of not only school teachers but teachers from all higher education stream including technical institutes.
• Teacher Training and Inclusive Education
• Entry Procedures for future teachers
• Innovations in pre-service teacher education
• Development of national professional standards
• Strengthening the partnership between universities, Colleges and schools
• Quality Control Drive of Councils and its impact on the Teacher Education Institutes
• Quality Research work in Teacher Education
• Technological Innovations and their Implications in Teacher Education
• Irrational increase in the number of Colleges of Education
• Teacher Training and Inclusive Education
• Entry Procedures for future teachers
• Innovations in pre-service teacher education
• Development of national professional standards
• Strengthening the partnership between universities, Colleges and schools
• Quality Control Drive of Councils and its impact on the Teacher Education Institutes
• Quality Research work in Teacher Education
• Technological Innovations and their Implications in Teacher Education
• Irrational increase in the number of Colleges of Education
• Nationwide Common Curriculum in Universities/Institutions
• Issues and Challenges in Present Curriculum of Teachers
• Nationwide Common Curriculum in Universities/Institutions
• Issues and Challenges in Present Curriculum of Teachers
• Role of Government Agencies in making Quality Teachers
• Councils New Norms for Teachers.
• Exploitation of Teachers.
• Issues and challenges in governance
• Policy Framework Analysis
• Role of Government Agencies in making Quality Teachers
• Councils New Norms for Teachers.
• Exploitation of Teachers.
• Issues and challenges in governance
• Policy Framework Analysis
Call for papers:
The text of the abstract is limited to 150-250 words typed in Times New Roman, 12 font size with double space. Format of the abstract should be in structured form- Topic, Objectives, Methods and tools, Major findings and conclusion. The acceptance of the abstract will be communicated within a fortnight from the date of receipt. We are also encouraging Poster Presentations, for which maximum size will be 90 cm width and 190 cm height. At the time of poster presentation, at least one of the authors must be present. The full paper may be submitted after acceptance of the abstract through e-mail as attachment in same structure as in case of abstract.
All communication should be through e-mail preferably followed by a duly signed hard copy on A4 paper by post to the organizing secretary.
The papers selected by the review committee may be published in the “Journal of Education Chronicle- an international journal of education (ISSN) which is bi-annually published by our institute.
The papers selected by the review committee may be published in the “Journal of Education Chronicle- an international journal of education (ISSN) which is bi-annually published by our institute.
Important Dates:
Receiving of Abstract and Filled Registration Form February 05, 2015Confirmation of Acceptance of Paper February 10, 2015
Submission of Full Paper February 15, 2015
Registration fee:
The registration charges for the seminar will be as follows:
For Faculty (Members of JEC): Rs. 800/-
For Faculty (Non JEC Members): Rs. 1000/-
Research Scholars: Rs. 600/-
Locals: Rs.600/-
For Faculty (Non JEC Members): Rs. 1000/-
Research Scholars: Rs. 600/-
Locals: Rs.600/-
Last date of registration 15 February, 2015
Contact Persons:
Mr. N.Rohen Meetei
Asst. Professor
(Dept. of Education)
Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior, M.P.
Mobile: 09981232436
Mr. N.Rohen Meetei
Asst. Professor
(Dept. of Education)
Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior, M.P.
Mobile: 09981232436
Mr. Satish Chandra
Asst. Professor
(Dept. of Education)
Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior, M.P.
Mobile: 09009443140
Asst. Professor
(Dept. of Education)
Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior, M.P.
Mobile: 09009443140
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Seminar on Vision of Oneness: Perspectives and Possibilities in Today's Context 2015
Vision of Oneness: Perspectives and Possibilities in Today's Context
GITAM University, Hyderabad
31 January 2015
Click here to download broucher
To download seminar broucher here
National Level Conference cum Workshop on Language and Theatre 2015
National Level Conference cum Workshop on Language and Theatre
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
International Conference on Culture Through Language & Literature 2015
International Conference on Culture Through Language & Literature
6 & 7 February, 2015
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
International Conference on Culture Through Language & Literature 2015
International Conferences
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the Margins of Many Cultures: Narrating Diaspora Consciousness 2015
UGC Sponsored National Seminar
on the Margins of Many Cultures: Narrating Diaspora Consciousness
22 & 23 January, 2015
Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the Margins of Many Cultures: Narrating Diaspora Consciousness 2015
National Seminar on Safism and Indian Spiritual Tradtions: Sustaining the Education of Heart 2015
National Seminar on
Safism and Indian Spiritual Traditions: Sustaining the Education of Heart
Organised by
Department of Education, Vinaya Bhavana
Visva-Vharati, Santiniketan
Changing Classrooms, Supporting Teachers
Changing Classrooms, Supporting Teachers
24 April 2015- Location: Chandigarh, India
A TESOL Academy in Chandigarh, India
This TESOL Academy is designed to help teachers in India and surrounding regions meet the needs of their students, who come to the classroom from diverse backgrounds and with a variety of learning styles and expectations. Grounded in the latest research, the six academy workshops deal with pedagogy, assessment, technology in the classroom, and course design. TESOL is proud to partner with theRegional English Language Office, US Embassy, India, and the Regional Institute of English, Chandigarh, India for this TESOL Academy.![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
24–25 April 2015
Hotel Park Plaza, Chandigarh, India
Who Should Attend?
- Primary and secondary ELT classroom teachers (Changing Classrooms Workshops)
- Teacher trainers and school administrators (Supporting Teachers Workshops)
Event Workshop Themes
Participants will choose one of the workshops below and spend 10 dynamic hours in an area of concentrated study with a top leader in the field.
Changing Classrooms Workshops
- Workshop 1: Tech Solutions for Low-Tech Situations
Karen Price, Lecturer, School of Education, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA - Workshop 2: Formative Assessment in South Asian Contexts: Some Practical Possibilities
Geetha Durairajan, Department of Materials Development and Evaluation, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India. - Workshop 3: Strategies for Student-Centered, Rule-Based Activities and Spontaneous, Incidental Learning
Stephen DeGiulio, Senior English Language Fellow, The Regional Institute of English, Chandigarh, U.T. India - Workshop 4: Creative Ways of Improving Language Skills
Rajni Badlani, Chief Advisor: English Language Assessment, Cambridge University Press, India Private Ltd, Jasola, New Delhi, India
Supporting Teachers Workshops
- Workshop 5: The Five Ps of Effective Leadership and Professional Development
Neil J Anderson, Professor, Department of English Language Teaching & Learning and English as an International Language, Brigham Young University, Hawai‘i, USA - Workshop 6: Taking ELT Materials to Task: a template process for effective materials development
Jayme Adelson-Goldstein, Educational Consultant, Lighthearted Learning, LLC, Northridge, CA, USA
Transfer either
USIEF Main Rupee Account; Account No. 24482018;
Bank of America 1st Floor, DLF Centre, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001;
IFSC/NEFT Code: BOFA0ND6216sponsible for their own travel to/from Chandigarh.
- 2500 INR (early registration fee available before 1 March 2015) or,
- 3000 INR (late registration fee available after 1 March 2015)
USIEF Main Rupee Account; Account No. 24482018;
Bank of America 1st Floor, DLF Centre, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001;
IFSC/NEFT Code: BOFA0ND6216sponsible for their own travel to/from Chandigarh.
Send bank transfer verification and a copy of this completed registration form
You will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of both the bank transfer and completed registration form. Your registration is not confirmed until you receive this email. Your workshop placement will also be included in this email. Once your registration is confirmed, you cannot change workshops and no refunds will be issued. Please print out the confirmation email and bring it with you as proof of registration.
You will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of both the bank transfer and completed registration form. Your registration is not confirmed until you receive this email. Your workshop placement will also be included in this email. Once your registration is confirmed, you cannot change workshops and no refunds will be issued. Please print out the confirmation email and bring it with you as proof of registration.
- Full two-day program
- 2 lunches in addition to tea/coffee breaks
- 1 cultural dinner event
- Certificate of attendance
The Regional English Language Office (RELO) is pleased to offer a limited number of free hotel rooms at the Hotel Park Plaza. There are rooms available for 110 participants who will be randomly assigned by the hotel to either a single or a shared (same gender) room. Participants cannot select a single room or whom they will share a double room with. These free rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you wish to be considered, please register early. If you are not selected for free accommodations, you will need to make your own arrangements.
All participants are responsible for their own travel to/from Chandigarh.
24 April 2015Tentative Schedule
9:00 am - 10:30 am | Registration |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Opening Ceremony & Keynote Address |
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Workshops in Session |
25 April 2015
9:00 am - 12:00 pm | Workshops in Session |
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Workshops in session |
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Closing Ceremony |
International Conferences
International Conference On Contesting ‘Self’ and ‘Other’: Identities of Caste, Tribe, Gender and Beyond 2015
International Conference
Contesting ‘Self’ and ‘Other’:
Identities of Caste, Tribe, Gender and Beyond
(Date: 27-28, March, 2015)
Organizing by
Department of History & Department of Anthropology
Assam University (A Central University), Diphu Campus (AUDC)
Diphu, Karbi Anglong, Assam-782460 (INDIA)
Venue: Assam University, Diphu Campus, Diphu, Assam
Call for Papers
1. Conceptualizing ‘Self ‘ & ‘Otherness’ Identity2. Post Modernity and Nature of Identity Movements
3. Contextualizing Caste, Identity and Marginalisation
4. Mapping Aboriginals or Tribe or Adivasi Identities
5. Conceptualising Gender and Identity
6. Third Gender/Sex and Identity Question
7. Identities and Post Colonialism & Post Modernism
8. Lower Caste Movements- Identity Question
9. Tribal/Ethnic Movements- Identity Question
10. Tribal Development and Identity Question
11. Feminist Movements -Women Identity Issues
12. Hegemonic Agencies and Identity Movements
13. Impact of Globalisation and Identity Formations
14. Technology-Caste, Tribe and Gender
15. Social Networking Revolution- Marginal Identities
Important Dates
Abstract Submission (250 words) 30th January, 2015Notification of Acceptance of Abstract 3rd February, 2015Last Date for Full Paper Submission: 15th March, 2015Conference Dates 27th -28th, March, 2015Registration 4th Feb,2015 - 28th, Feb,2015Registration with Late fee 1st March, 2015 - 15th March,2015
For more information download broucher
For more details download here
Visit website: click here
International Conferences
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Edmund Burke Age of Johnson
Age of Johnson
Edmund Burke (1729-97)
He is chiefly remembered in history for the famous
impeachment speech that he gave against Warren Hastings in 1786.
In his writings about India, heobserved that India had a
great civilization but it had degenerated and stagnated.
He was one of the earliest to introduce the idea of the
Native Effeminacy.
He criticized Hastings for exploiting the Indians.
He also wrote two small treatises.
A Vindication Of Natural Society
Philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the
sublime and the beautiful.
Some of his pamphlets were
Observations on the Present State of Nation (1769)
Thoughts on the Present Discontents.
Other important works are
Reflections on the French Revolution (1790)
A letter to a Noble Lord (1790)
An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs (1791)
Thoughts on French Affairs
Letters on a Regicide Peace.
His style was
conditioned by oratory.
Edward Gibbon AGE OF JOHNSON
Edward Gibbon (1737-94)
He is chiefly known for his work on Roman history titled The
Decline and the Fall of Roman Empire (1776-83). It is a work in six volumes.
He examines the greatness of Rome.
Another prose work of any significance is his Autobiography.
Dr Samuel Johnson age of johnson
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
He is the greatest
prose writer of this age.
He lived most of his
life in poverty and sickness.
He had a melancholic
Dr Johnson published
essays in ‘The Rambler’ and ’‘The Idler’
In 1750 he started
the periodical ‘The Rambler’.
In 1756 he founded
‘The Idler’ which ran for 103 numbers.
He also founded a
periodical named ‘The Adventurer’.
One of his greatest
pupils was David Garrick.
One of his earlier
poems titled “London” was written in imitation of Juvenal.
A Dictionary of the
English Language was completed and published in 1755.
The most important
critical work of Dr Johnson is Preface to Shakespeare.
In the evenings of a
single week he composed the romance of Rasselas, an Abyssinian Prince.
He wrote speeches for
both Whigs and Tories.
In 1764 Johnson
organised the famous Literary Club which included well known figures of the day
like his student David Garrick,
Goldsmith, Joshua Reynolds, Burke and others.
They met regularly at
Turk’s Head Tavern.
He wrote a tragedy titled Irene
His important works are
The Vanity of Human
It is a poem written
in imitation of Juvenal.
The poem examines
Wolsey Buckingham and Clarendon.
The poem also refers to Swift.
The Lives of the Poets.
This is a series of Biographies published between 1779 and
He sketches the life of 52 poets.
The sketches begin with the Life of Cowley.
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